“The Artists Aren’t As Innovative As They Should Be” (R&B)

Started by Wtv, August 22, 2015, 01:06:17 PM

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rnb/urban singers are boring as hell .....where are the drums, the KNOCK, the uptempo songs, the catchy melodies...

people are always working with the same stale ass producers....


I'm sick of the heavy scrutiny but let these pop folks do the same recycled mess or do the same type of song and it's so EDGY and innovative, let's play this on the radio 100 rotations in.


When black female artists release music, they get soooooooo much backlash! Why is this? I mean, is it these fanbases? You think they don't want the next chick to succeed? I think that's part of it. Also, radio needs to play their music. Like geez, what would it hurt? I mean, let people hear the music so they can see if they like it or not. Sometimes you have to listen more then once to like a song.


I agree as well. I used to want to sing when I was younger, but when "singers" like Rihanna came out and started to dominate and the people who can sing were being overlooked, I changed my mind. I couldn't imagine having to compete twice as hard to be noticed while someone who has little to no talent gets more attention than me while struggling to hit a high note then having to dumb my voice and music down just to get pop play. On top of that, the music industry is a dying industry at least for the artist/singer. Most of these folks are basically singing for exposure not a paycheck. I want a paycheck.


Quote from: MoToThE on August 24, 2015, 07:21:30 AM
When black female artists release music, they get soooooooo much backlash! Why is this? I mean, is it these fanbases? You think they don't want the next chick to succeed? I think that's part of it. Also, radio needs to play their music. Like geez, what would it hurt? I mean, let people hear the music so they can see if they like it or not. Sometimes you have to listen more then once to like a song.

In this day in age, everything is at our finger tips. People know the music is out there. BUT the people the music is made for will not buy it. Every time someone black releases an album...even if it sucks... people will have 99 excuses for why they won't buy it but will have the illegally downloaded album on their ipods and iphones.  Why would anybody invest in black music/R&B when black people wont even buy it? The internet destroyed the music industry. when it became accessible to many and people where able to download a song for free, that was it. You know our people (and other folks) love to get a deal, so why would I go buy Beyonce for $15 when I can get it for free or listen to it endlessly on Spotify? White people illegally download as well, but because they are the majority, they are the biggest consumers of music, so of course people like Adele will sell with their support a little of ours and others. But if it was up to black people, Adele would be a flop.  Shit if black people could watch Scandal on the internet before it's on TV, Scandal would be a flop int he ratings.

Some black girl could release some shit like Have You Ever and the shit will tank because black people will illegally download it because they're too cheap to spend $15. Beyonce is one of the biggest artists in the world. Black people love her, but I bet you black people  make up for a very small number of her sales. Which brings me to another point, if Beyonce is the shit...why isn't she selling Taylor Swift numbers? Why hasn't she sold at least 7 million in the US alone with one album?!


Quote from: Bulldagger on August 24, 2015, 08:35:50 AM
Quote from: MoToThE on August 24, 2015, 07:21:30 AM
When black female artists release music, they get soooooooo much backlash! Why is this? I mean, is it these fanbases? You think they don't want the next chick to succeed? I think that's part of it. Also, radio needs to play their music. Like geez, what would it hurt? I mean, let people hear the music so they can see if they like it or not. Sometimes you have to listen more then once to like a song.

In this day in age, everything is at our finger tips. People know the music is out there. BUT the people the music is made for will not buy it. Every time someone black releases an album...even if it sucks... people will have 99 excuses for why they won't buy it but will have the illegally downloaded album on their ipods and iphones.  Why would anybody invest in black music/R&B when black people wont even buy it? The internet destroyed the music industry. when it became accessible to many and people where able to download a song for free, that was it. You know our people (and other folks) love to get a deal, so why would I go buy Beyonce for $15 when I can get it for free or listen to it endlessly on Spotify? White people illegally download as well, but because they are the majority, they are the biggest consumers of music, so of course people like Adele will sell with their support a little of ours and others. But if it was up to black people, Adele would be a flop.  Shit if black people could watch Scandal on the internet before it's on TV, Scandal would be a flop int he ratings.

Some black girl could release some shit like Have You Ever and the shit will tank because black people will illegally download it because they're too cheap to spend $15. Beyonce is one of the biggest artists in the world. Black people love her, but I bet you black people  make up for a very small number of her sales. Which brings me to another point, if Beyonce is the shit...why isn't she selling Taylor Swift numbers? Why hasn't she sold at least 7 million in the US alone with one album?!

I agree with what you said. Where you from?


Quote from: King on August 23, 2015, 08:37:46 PM
rnb/urban singers are boring as hell .....where are the drums, the KNOCK, the uptempo songs, the catchy melodies...

people are always working with the same stale ass producers....
And they all seem to use the same Fruity Loops snares and kicks.


How can you bash R&B singers for using the same producers, when these microwave oven ass pop stars do the same?

∧ ∨ ∩ ∪

She sounds dumb because you have artists like Dawn that's being creative and innovative but they ain't fucking with her unless she goes to the gutta so what's her point?

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and y'all need to stop blaming Blacks for your faves flopping. These bitches are lazy that's the reality of the situation.


 Beyonce is a flop by her own standards. When people look back at her career, they gon' be like,  "That's all she sold?!" Beyonce is an icon, but her stats are not legendary.

@MoToThE The lou, baby!


This SS member is so fucking annoying bruh!!
what was its original name?