Taylor Stiff is such a fucking liar.

Started by .betterwiseup, August 31, 2015, 04:31:31 PM

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Her numbers mixed up?
Please shut the fuck up lol.
Her lying ass just wanted to get cool points for Kanye.
She's so transparent.


Quote from: Mel. on August 31, 2015, 04:41:19 PM
I find it funny though.
y'all would find any reason attack and pounce on this girl.

I understand. you can't come for her stats, so you attack anything else you can.
she really makes you girls mad...


Mel, sis...



i thought we already established this already lol

Cowboy Nine

fdfdfddfdf why would anyone believe she'd buy that alb' in the first place



Quote from: MelMel on August 31, 2015, 05:00:46 PM
Quote from: Mel. on August 31, 2015, 04:41:19 PM
I find it funny though.
y'all would find any reason attack and pounce on this girl.

I understand. you can't come for her stats, so you attack anything else you can.
she really makes you girls mad...


Mel, sis...

Did I lie tho?

I foinf it absolutely comical how many people hate her for absolutely nothing.
she's never in the press for being a bitch, she isn't rude, she has never done anything to ANYONE
but people have this strong hate and animosity for her

because she's doing what she loves. I find it comical, yet sad.
people are just really mean toward her and i don't think she deserves all the bashing she gets


I could name plenty of industry "bitches"
that do deserve to be called out

Taylor isn't one of them. She's a sweetheart


and another thing...
while we're on "industry bitches"

I also find it funny that you all will applaud nasty behavior
but bash someone like Taylor who has done none of that.


funny how can swear on people based on the public persona that you know of lolz


A lot of ppl have said Taylor is a bitch actually behind the scenes
Katy Perry especially


Quote from: .betterwiseup on August 31, 2015, 04:50:46 PM
Her numbers mixed up?
Please shut the fuck up lol.
Her lying ass just wanted to get cool points for Kanye.
She's so transparent.

Wait, excuse me?
don't be rude. thanks


Quote from: JRocka on August 31, 2015, 05:52:48 PM
funny how can swear on people based on the public persona that you know of lolz

I mean...
when you don't know someone personally. you can only go off what you see

right or wrong?


Quote from: Branzbae on August 31, 2015, 05:55:51 PM
A lot of ppl have said Taylor is a bitch actually behind the scenes
Katy Perry especially

of course she would. they're feuding.
but you tell me...

when have you ever read in the press that Taylor was/is acted like a bitch, a diva, etc...
