wait there was a GoFundMe page set up to breakup Ciara and Russell?

Started by Zankou., October 01, 2015, 10:16:46 AM

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QuoteWe've already explained how the love triangle between Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, rap demigod Future and R&B singer Ciara is the NFL season's greatest subplot.

Now we have the latest comedic chapter in this epic of love, loss and revenge. It comes thanks to a group of Seattle fans hoping to alter the course of history via a short-lived crowdfunding campaign.

SEE ALSO: Why Future vs. Russell Wilson is the NFL season's best subplot

You can click the link above to get the full backstory, but the short version goes like this: Future and Ciara used to be engaged, and they have a kid together. But they broke up, and now Ciara dates Wilson. Making everything even more compelling to football fans is that Ciara's past and present beaux are polar opposites: Wilson is a squeaky-clean quarterback who says he communicates with God; Future is a syrup-sipping rapper whose lyrics would make your granny blush.

Better yet, Future has been unstoppable since he and Ciara broke up last year. He released three consecutive mixtapes to wild acclaim, then put out Dirty Sprite 2, this summer's hottest rap album, in July. He and Drake also dropped a much-anticipated mixtape this week.

Now, with the Seahawks off to an 0-2 start this season, it seems a group of Seattle fans couldn't help but notice Future's hot streak.

So they did what any well meaning supporter would do, according to ForTheWin: Set up a GoFundMe page soliciting donations to help spur a breakup between Wilson and Ciara.

The fans reportedly sought $50,000 to give Ciara's music career a jolt so that "she has no time to be in a relationship." By way of further explanation they offered this: "After seeing how great Future Hendrix career has been since Ciara broke up with him. We think the same thing can happen to Russell Wilson again!!"

Alas, the campaign was short-lived and had been removed by midday Monday. We've contacted GoFundMe for comment, but have yet to hear back from the site.




Or to get that man from touching that ugly ass bvy

That despicable family needs to be stopped and convicted


that's so mean and rude...obviously that person has time on their hands! Rap demigod Future? prob he created that :uhh:



Wow. Maybe we should make a GoFundMe page to help Mo' put out a video.


Too bad its not enough Monica fans to start one to fund a video for her boring ass


Wow are the ci's RETARDED?! like preme already tried that line luvs


Quote from: Zankou. on October 01, 2015, 11:41:13 AM
Wow are the ci's RETARDED?! like preme already tried that line luvs
I dont give a damn who said what

Fund monica a damn video


Quote from: Genesis on October 01, 2015, 11:49:16 AM
Quote from: Zankou. on October 01, 2015, 11:41:13 AM
Wow are the ci's RETARDED?! like preme already tried that line luvs
I dont give a damn who said what

Fund monica a damn video

Bitch fuck u.