hey guys... have u ever had to tell a friend/family member their kid is... FAT?

Started by GRAND, July 14, 2017, 12:44:45 PM

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July 14, 2017, 12:44:45 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 12:45:41 PM by LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL

like, i dunno what to do

obviously its not my kid so its not my place to tell someone theyre raising their kid wrong

but my friends son is getting... well FAT. like, really really fat (he has tits) and hes only 3

its NOT baby fat :bvy:

also hes still in diapers/pull ups?

i want to tell him like 'um...haha...put his little fat ass on carrots and childrens activities' but...

that'd be rude right? :diddraispoot:

like, theyre babying the child and hes getting little - to no socialization. hes always home with the mom so like, by the time hes 4 and in pre-k, hes gonna be wayyyyy behind


and i KNOW i cant be the only one seeing this shit. everytime his girlfriend posts pics on isnta of him eating and in a damns diaper, im like 'CAN SOMEONE TELL THEM THIS BOY IS GOING TO BE OBESE AND DEVELOPMENTALLY BEHIND?'

And honestly its not the fact that he might be a little overweight, its the combination of things. I kinda just wanna say 'hey u guys gonna put him in Pre-K or something haha'

I dunno

maybe im a terrible person


not close enough for me to say 'hes fat' like i would my best friend or brandon if he had a kid god forbid

so, i guess an average friend? :diddraispoot:

ive known him since 2011, we only talk occasionally now cause hes moved away


Nah, ive never dealt with that but ive had convos with friends about THEIR weight
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


Quote from: LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL on July 14, 2017, 12:52:46 PM
not close enough for me to say 'hes fat' like i would my best friend or brandon if he had a kid god forbid

so, i guess an average friend? :diddraispoot:

ive known him since 2011, we only talk occasionally now cause hes moved away
So why do you feel the need to bring it to their attention? Don't you think they're well aware?


obviously not

cause no 3 year old should be on instagram eating popeyes and hot dogs like its cute :hmph:

Eternal Bell


i und'stand ur situation
theres two HUGE ass kids on my moms side of tha fam'

i dnt say shit tho


Quote from: Tinker's Room on July 14, 2017, 01:37:06 PM

i und'stand ur situation
theres two HUGE ass kids on my moms side of tha fam'

i dnt say shit tho
Only because you know they'd tranny-shame you if you did.


no let it die from gout or somethin


No but seriously no don't say anything

He'll probably grow out of it.


Quote from: LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL on July 14, 2017, 12:52:46 PM
not close enough for me to say 'hes fat' like i would my best friend or brandon if he had a kid god forbid

so, i guess an average friend? :diddraispoot:

ive known him since 2011, we only talk occasionally now cause hes moved away





But on to the question. I would randomly bring up about exercising or some kind of Kid Sport.