Queen Justine makes history as 1st black female singer to kneel during Anthem

Started by Young, October 20, 2017, 10:06:00 PM

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ya rock muh world.

Who would've thought simply being too tired on a bus would change anything but it did.

You can't count out the "small" things because it's not the action in itself that's life changing but it's what it has the potential to spark/create which has the potential to be most meaningful or productive.

but this was just contradictory .


 .... so lemme get this str8 ...

you?re comparing Rosa Parks refusing to get out of her seat, on a segregated bus system, in the south, while Jim Crow law were in effect, and getting JAILED ...

to a POP singer performing he national anthem, at a huge venue, that se signed a contract to do, getting paid for it, by white ppl, and went home to a comfy house and bed after

I enjoy your dissenting opinions on EVERYTHING so I just wanna it correct


ya rock muh world.

It's not a direct comparison - simply referencing how small gestures can have bigger impact. The most amazing part of Rosa's story has always been that she was "just" a woman tired from work who didn't want to move. But go down whatever road you'd like with it. Bring out the dramatics. Moving along lol


no you can actually stay

I just wanted clarity, thank you

I just listed the factors involved to illustrate what Rosa did was no ?small? thing

I?m sure Justine didn?t think she would be beaten, killed, or jailed for kneeling at a performance :dead:




Quote from: ANIMMAI on October 21, 2017, 02:09:07 AM
Yeah, I'm not clapping for this :dead:

And I'm confused as to what comes next after as a result of thw kneeling business. Are we trying get Colin back on team? If he does get back on team, do we go back to standing? Are we trying to change NFL policy regarding players? As of right now, this is nothing more than an edgy gesture to piss off white people.


Yeah the whole narrative has been changed and Colin's point is overlooked now because white people only have the damns army and police on the brain and make everything about the damn veterans and the people in the NFL who did kneel only did it to piss off Trump. Nothing to do with Police Brutality so it's like...pointless now because Colins message isn't even the focal point.



And I actually forgot she's not the first. Some white girl did it at a football game not too long ago.   

The Brandy Barbie

How is it contradictory? She 's not kneeling to protest the anthem.  She's protesting police violence.  If she just wants America to live up to it 's mantra of liberty and justice for all , I don't see how she can't sing and acknowledge that we still have a ways to go.

The Brandy Barbie

Black people in our generation almost never have clearly defined goals.

We should be protesting specifically for the law to be changed so every time an officer turns off his camera when making a stop, it's against the law and he should be punished.

The law needs to have a more clear definition of what "resisting arrest" is.  Not just 'cause an officer said so.


Quote from: The Brandy Barbie on October 21, 2017, 03:22:59 PM
How is it contradictory? She 's not kneeling to protest the anthem.  She's protesting police violence.  If she just wants America to live up to it 's mantra of liberty and justice for all , I don't see how she can't sing and acknowledge that we still have a ways to go.
She was paid :dead:
By the system that is part of the problem.

If I?m protesting something I ain?t supporting shit!

All these blacks talking about the NFL. It?s ridiculous what ppl try to turn into protests these days.

Ok well
Players stop playing!
Viewers stop watching!
Stop buying your children the merchandise! Stop buying them Nike shoes.

It may hurt a little bit but support BLACK owned mess.

Coaches, players, millionaire blacks, step UP! and Somebody start their OWN football league so players can still get paid like Diddy suggested.

But they won?t because it?s all for SHOW. We are a for show ass race now. Lemme rant on Twitter to SHOW my disgust. Lemme post on Facebook to show my disgust.

Cause I just can?t with the gorls comparing this mess to the civil rights movement heavyweights

Not you. My soul is still hurt from Afro calling Justine ?Rosa? :dead:
