Discussion Looms Over A Black Gay Man Found Dead In a Politician's Home

Started by Freemala Harris, November 14, 2017, 04:02:48 AM

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Freemala Harris

The Curious Case of the Black Male Prostitute Found Dead Inside a Wealthy Democratic Donor?s Home

On July 27, 2016, 26-year-old Gemmel Moore was found in the bathroom of a West Hollywood, Calif., apartment belonging to Ed Buck. Moore was young, black and poor. Buck was 62 years old, white, wealthy and powerful.

That?s all we know.

Moore?s family is searching for answers. Buck has not spoken publicly about the incident. Police have not charged anyone with a crime, even though multiple reports have surfaced that Buck had a predilection for black male prostitutes.

Even after a number of young, black, male sex workers have stepped forward with apparent photographic evidence that Buck was one of their clients. Even after each one of those men separately all tell the same story: Not only did Ed Buck have a fetish for black men, he was known in West Hollywood?s gay community as paying top dollar for sex with 20-something black escorts ...

But only after injecting them with drugs.

?If there was ever anybody in West Hollywood whose bed you expected a dead body to turn up in, it was Ed Buck.? ?former West Hollywood Mayor Steve Martin

In the spring of 2016, Gemmel Moore relocated from Texas and moved to West Hollywood. Moore?s family says the 26-year-old revealed to them that he was working in the city?s thriving underground sex industry as an escort after falling on hard times, including a period of homelessness.

Numerous friends of Moore confirmed his struggles with drugs, which, many say, was fueled by the fetishes of one of his most frequent clients?Ed Buck.

Moore?s roommate and best friend, Samuel Lloyd, alleges that Buck had an unhealthy obsession with Moore. ?He went out there searching for other men that were struggling and on the streets and had no money ... men who had never experienced drugs before,? said Lloyd at a vigil held for Moore Aug. 18 by Justice4Gemmel, an organization launched by Moore?s mother, LaTrisha Nixon. ?This is the kind of guys Ed Buck searched for.?

Lloyd added that Moore had grown afraid of Buck in the days before his death, saying that ?Gemmel was scared of this man. He came and he laid in my arms and he was scared. Scared that this man was going to hurt him.?

Lloyd said that Moore went to West Hollywood police a number of times to warn them about Buck, but to no avail.

Lloyd?s allegations seem to be backed up by other men who provided photographic evidence of Buck?s drug use with male prostitutes. Damar Love provided the WeHo Times with photographs of himself inside Buck?s home. According to the Times, the pictures appeared to have been taken at the same apartment where Moore?s body was found, and show Love sitting next to a glass pipe often used to smoke crystal meth.

Love told the WeHo Times that he serviced Buck at least three times. He stated that Buck insisted that Love turn off his cellphone and demanded that he do drugs before their encounter. In an interview with the WeHo Times, Love stated:

When I get there, I always want my money up front, and that?s how it always started. Initially, when I got there I understood that he was already well under the influence because he told me he had already been up for two days and was still doing drugs as far as liquid GHB, shooting meth?crystal meth, and smoking it. When he insisted that I get high and continue to get high, that?s when I started to do my research on him ... I was like, ?Why are you insisting that I be high??

Writer Jasmyne Cannick says she met with Love, along with journalists from ABC 7 and the Los Angeles Times, and provided a partial transcript of the interview in which Love says he went to the police with this information:

So I go there [West Hollywood Sheriff?s Station] and I basically let them know I?m coming from an older friend?s house?at the time I didn?t want to speak his name. But I did initially say that I feel like I was drugged.

And because I was talking rapidly and constantly looking around tryin? to watch my back to see if someone was approaching me the only thing they would say is, ?You?re tweaking. You?re under the influence and if you don?t get away from here I?m going to take you to jail for being under the influence.? They didn?t care to ask who it was or where did it happen, and I said, ?Well just let me write a statement down; you guys can give me a number for that I can use if I need to come back it?d be available.? He said, ?OK.? He gave me a paper. I wrote it down. Sat there for about 10 minutes and because I was still rambling about the situation they did not want me standing in the front lobby of the department; they told me to leave.

Another alleged client who only goes by the name of ?Brian? provided screenshots from the website Adam4Adam of conversations with Buck arranging an encounter. Yet another man named ?Blake? has provided screenshots to Jasmyne Cannick from a man using the name ?Bucked,? purported to be Ed Buck. Blake provided screenshots and photos from inside an apartment that appears to resemble Buck?s home.

Buck?s neighbors and associates have allegedly fallen prey to the bullying and erratic behavior of the wealthy donor. In a 2002 petition for a restraining order, therapist James E. d?Jarnette told a court that Buck harassed him for days after d?Jarnette informed the wealthy donor that he wouldn?t prescribe amphetamines, the WeHo Times reports.

Former Councilman Steve Martin said people in the West Hollywood community often complained about Buck?s temperament. ?If there was ever anybody in West Hollywood whose bed you expected a dead body to turn up in, it was Ed Buck.? Martin told the WeHo Times.

Perhaps the most damning evidence comes from a journal that Moore?s mother says belonged to Gemmel Moore discussing his fear of Buck.

?I honestly don?t know what to do,? reads the journal excerpt. ?I?ve became addicted to drugs and the worst one at that. Ed Buck is the one to thank he gave me my first injection of crystal meth it was very painful but after all the troubles I became addicted to the pain and fetish fantasy.?

In the entry, Moore goes on to say: ?If it didn?t hurt so bad I?d kill myself, but for now I?ll just let Ed Buck do it.?

When police arrived at Bucks? home to investigate the death, they found drug paraphernalia, according to the Los Angeles coroner?s office. Video also shows another young black man showing up at Buck?s home while the police were taping off the home, looking for Ed Buck, only to be turned away by the cops on the scene.

Despite this abundance of evidence and more?including cellphone records, West Hollywood authorities have not charged Buck with a crime and have indicated that Buck is not a suspect.



This lifestyle just seems like your just traveling down a dead road.
RIP to that young man.

Eternal Bell




See ... black gays What i be saying

A whole rally for Meek Mill

I hope he gets justice, instead of being used like he?s disposable. That white man is SICK.



I thought the gay politician was just an overdone trope in film an tv :dead:



You live a certain lifestyle stuff like this is bound to happen to you.

Justice! Say his name!

ya rock muh world.

I think that soon as a lot of people read the word "prostitute" they give a mess out and keep it moving.

Hope they figure out what happened.