OMF! Brandy contest to create "Zoe Moon" theme song! talented fans come in

Started by GLOCK, October 17, 2015, 06:38:05 PM

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How did I miss this?
QuoteBrandy fans are just NATURALLY musically-inclined, dahlin?. And just naturally CREATIVE! And that?s no opinion, luv. It?s a FACT!

With that said, it?s time for the #ZoeEverAfterThemeSongChallenge (that?s a long hashtag, but work with me here)!

It?s time to pull out all the stops, so grab your camera, your microphone, Logic, Garageband, multi-track recorders on ya? iPhones, etc., and get to creating YOUR idea for Brandy?s new scripted series, ?Zoe Ever After?. Post it across all your social media accounts, using the hashtag #ZoeEverAfterThemeSong, and we?ll post the best ones.

Star, Wan Wan (@4everStarz), got a head start. Take a look below!

Metri.. Get that damn auto tune machine OWT... Bent grab ur pen mess.. Lonz make the best ... Ray we may have u sing it :diddraispoot:

Herb be on stand by in case ray chickens owt...
I'll sleep with Vaugn or whomevers in charge of the contest to ensure it gets submitted!
Let's go. We have WERK to do




Lemme get on this damns laptop and do some vocal warm ups



sssssssss i dont think so. the homie Jawan started it and Brandydaily appears to have liked the



this is a great idea
we'd be limited musically having stRay sing it tho
as he sings flat most of the time