Black Gay Men in the US facing 50-50 risk of HIV Infection

Started by fresh, June 03, 2018, 05:24:21 PM

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4 fucking k

Quote from: VirgoMind on June 04, 2018, 05:35:14 AM
This is pure mess. I don?t want to believe these numbers but, protection and reaching undetectable status is extremely important. Whether monogamous or promiscuous. Whether sex often or once in a while. You don?t have to be ?a nasty freak? and a whore to get HIV. If this is true half of this site/thread has it or will soon enough  lol smh

PreP, Condoms, frequent testing.

PreP doesn?t mean you?re a whore lol it?s another level of protection.
One of my best friends is on PreP and been in a relationship with a positive undetectable dude for 5 years. The first 3 years he wasn?t on PreP and is still negative because his partner is undetectable and takes care of himself.

People are + and  having - children and partners

It?s sad that headlines like this along with other factors make stigma soooo prevalent for those that want to be honest and upfront. All it does it make people ashamed and lie/hide their status in fear.

This is cute and all but there are plenty of HIV+ people who are reckless and infecting many ppl.


Quote from: BrandySavedMyLife on June 04, 2018, 06:44:06 AM
Quote from: 1RIG on June 04, 2018, 02:29:08 AM
Quote from: Bulldagger on June 04, 2018, 01:52:57 AM
Quote from: SadiddyAzzNoLimitPlatinumCard on June 04, 2018, 01:49:47 AM
Quote from: Bulldagger on June 04, 2018, 01:47:32 AM
I get so fucking sick of y?all trying to dismiss me and call me names because I refuse to fall in line with your type of thinking and I?m because I?m quite passionate and truthful about things. I?m a Scorpio with lots of fire in my chart, I cannot help that I?m so passionate and hot headed about stuff.

How is it misery personified when this could very well affect me?! And time and time again black people don?t want to take accountability for their actions?

I?m sorry, but 50-50 risk of HIV infection in the black gay community is a big freaking deal and is very problematic and scary. I mean, that shit could wipe out half of us. The community is already fucking small.  It?s embarrassing and it gives the naysayers clout yet we continue to make it worse and worse and worse. How am I to feel, Guilty?!


taking precautions and rejecting a potentially risky situation is a ok

Half of the community though, bro? You might as well not have sex. I?m literally shocked if this is true. I simply don?t want to believe it.
i wouldn?t rush to believe that, and either way EVERYONE needs to be as cautious as possible and raw sex should be out of the question for all.

Although, it?s making me think: damn how tf can women trust anybody when they would like to reproduce? It?s a mess all around. Gay men ain?t the only ones out here contracting shit
In my experience straight people aren?t even worried about HIV. It?s like they fuck raw all the time, as long as the woman is on the pill. Probably never get tested also.

A lot of the straight girls will let a nigga fuck raw




Quote from: Bulldagger on June 04, 2018, 01:47:32 AM
I get so fucking sick of y?all trying to dismiss me and call me names because I refuse to fall in line with your type of thinking and I?m because I?m quite passionate and truthful about things. I?m a Scorpio with lots of fire in my chart, I cannot help that I?m so passionate and hot headed about stuff.

How is it misery personified when this could very well affect me?! And time and time again black people don?t want to take accountability for their actions?

I?m sorry, but 50-50 risk of HIV infection in the black gay community is a big freaking deal and is very problematic and scary. I mean, that shit could wipe out half of us. The community is already fucking small.  It?s embarrassing and it gives the naysayers clout yet we continue to make it worse and worse and worse. How am I to feel, Guilty?!
Keep doing you baby.


The more I think about it the more I realuze....this article is trash. For many reasons.

That is all....


At this rate every body black will be dead, although I'm sure that's the goal

Just doesn't add up



oh wow ... so that mean's 50% of yawl on here have the AID.

I don't want nobody posts touching mines without receipts now....



Some great comments in here. Prep is a preventative tool so im not seeing the purpose in shaming folks for taking it. I take it and im not out having condom-less sex with randos. I can see a case for other STIs being on the rise because folks feel they no longer have to fear HIV.

I think the hypersexual nature of our society, especially that of us Black gay men , engenders folks to put themselves at risk for HIV contraction. That coupled with a general lack of self worth for various reasons really makes it easier to put yourself at risk. Im happy most of you seem to know your value as human beings and protect yourself accordingly.

I also wish our community valued real ass mentorship more for these younger queer men. You dont learn the ins and outs of being Black and gay from a text book. Its not passed down most the time. Its experiential for the most part, a covert expericence even. Most these young gays are just hitting the ground running, getting exploited by older gays, used and tossed. In my work ive been coming across teenagers who contract HIV from older Blk gays simply because they didnt know any better. I really wish we had more folks in our community who serve as helpers for the next generation rather than exploiters.


Quote from: Scott. on June 04, 2018, 02:49:16 AM
I just feel like shaming someone for having it is wrong. You don?t know everyone?s situation. Not everyone?s contracting it from being a careless slut

My cousin recently came out to me and told me he was positive and contracted it from the guy that raped him
this is heartbreaking


I do hope these statistics make folks a little more compassionate about HIV and those who contract though. Still so stigmatized, even with some of these comments.

Your best friend or close family member could be dealing with it alone simply because they dont feel safe enough to speak to you about it.


Quote from: Kurama on June 04, 2018, 11:05:14 AM
I do hope these statistics make folks a little more compassionate about HIV and those who contract though. Still so stigmatized, even with some of these comments.

Your best friend or close family member could be dealing with it alone simply because they dont feel safe enough to speak to you about it.


June 04, 2018, 11:27:56 AM #133 Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 11:29:11 AM by KING BENTLEY.
today's society is very complex, social media and being "real" only gives the illusion of transparency, but it seems like anybody can be hiding something today and not blink an eye. it's concerning.

The stories about guys catching it from dating or somebody they trusted are so sad and infuriating tbh

from my perspective, who I've met or seen contract it ... they were thots and didn't want to admit to themselves they had broken sexual and relationship habits

gym sex, hookups, cheating ..... I think they were looking for any type of thrill

Bre's comment about mentoring for young Queers is actually important. Especially for the young ones that will become discreet or DL and be pushed into that "lemme come over and do it real quick" mentality.

The stat seems off and problematic, but at the same time realistic when I see how many gays have it and are in denial with themselves.

And I'm sorry but the current "awareness" campaigns that go on in the community aren't good and have never helped imo. They've actually hurt IMO

Having Paco and Adonis handing out condoms/lube/ and trial presciptions to PrEP in thongs @ every "gay" function is just ridiculous and a joke to me. And who wants to be apart of or have "pride" in a community that basically promotes being a damn ho

It's all related and all sad
