Update: Chris Brown charged with Rape will be detained until further notice.

Started by FlowerBomb, January 22, 2019, 06:20:37 AM

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Quote from: LOONA. on January 22, 2019, 11:16:44 AM
Tbh not sure if I believe this

We all remember when that girl lied on his baby momma got that white girl to lie on him and had the cops at his house ready for a shootout

Then the other time when some girl claimed he and his flunkies raped her at some sex orgy.

He's trash and deserves to die but he's definitely become an easy target for alot of lies these days     


I doubt this is true, but owning his masters is irrelevant, seeing as how he ain?t no damn MJ, prince or the Beatles



At a certain point you have to look at yourself and ask why do I invite this type of mess into my life...no?
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)




So no #MuteChrisBrown?

The hypocrisy is just too much..

4 fucking k


Quote from: 4 fucking k on January 22, 2019, 03:20:43 PM
You fags are so hypocritical! :kii:
No baby. Were being humans, taking it case by case.
Not our faults Kellz had evidence against him the size of the Appalachian mountains