sfkjhbfjkbf Not James Charles coming BACK and LASHING the girls

Started by Sinpool, May 18, 2019, 04:03:02 PM

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nobody cares enough to watch a 40 minute video of him, but here's

He posted a video lashing the girls who tried to bring them down with receipts.

I didn't watch but the spark notes version someone posted said he had good receipts.


Opposites Attract.

He's a sexual predator and the fact that he would come back to make a video to bring down Jeffree is lame asf. He should have took responsibility and moved on. 

White gays are weird. 

It's unconditional, these days you know....


Quote from: WAVÉS. on May 18, 2019, 04:08:26 PM
He's a sexual predator and the fact that he would come back to make a video to bring down Jeffree is lame asf. He should have took responsibility and moved on.

White gays are weird.


He's not actually.

He posted the receipts, the girl lied. She said the boy was straight, but he told James he was Bisexual

And Jeffree is actually the lying evil snake. Not James.


- he told Tati beforehand about the SugarBear sponsored ad (she said he did not)- he texted her and her husband several times after she posted Instagram story videos of her crying (she said he didn't)- he claps back at her saying he backstabbed her about never promoting Halo Beauty and he shows several receipts that he did
 - he says he's a virgin and has never and will never manipulate straight boys into doing things and the fact Tati brought this up blows his mind
- he says he never said disgusting things during Tati's bday dinner on what he would do to the waiter and that he can because he's a "celebrity" - says this is a joke phrase he and many of his friends use (he posted screenshots of him using it to over 20 people, including Kylie Jenner and Tati herself)
- he posted screenshots of his convo with the waiter and the waiter states he's bi, not straight as Tati stated in her video, also posts proof that everything done with the waiter was 100% consensual
- says the waiter purposely set him up to illegally videotape him facetiming James to put into his own video that he created about the situation
- calls Tati a hypocrite - says her and her husband sat him down before and talked about him going for straight guys, says it was a wake up call for him but then Tati exposed him with little facts/fake facts like the people she warned him about - says he barely has any experience with dating growing up, which is why he is seems more immature when it comes down to it - explains its hard experiencing all of it under the world's eyes
- says he takes full responsibility for sliding into guys' dms, says he will no longer do it, says he personally apologized to all the boys who said he made them feel uncomfortable 
- drags Zara Larsson, saying he never knew she was dating that man and otherwise would have never slid in the dms. also calls her a hypocrite saying she found her man by posting how hot he is on Twitter

- story about him feeling up a boy in school urinal - person who started it ended up admitting it was fake and was a "social experiment" and that it blew up beyond their expectations

- discusses Jeffree's tweet from May 6 saying he keeps draft tweets wanting to expose someone really badly - James texts him about it and Jeffree says it's not about him but rather about a brand stealing his ideas
- Jeffree texts him later saying Tati and Shane have said that James has been talking sh*t about Jeffree for months and they need to talk ASAP. Jeffree never ends up talking to James about it- as James was uploading his reaction video to Tati, he shows a text of Jeffree dragging him accusing him of trying to seduce Nathan's little brother (Zack) into liking him or sending him stuff on Snapchat - also shows Jeffree dragging James and saying he's predatory for trying to keep the waiter in his hotel (proven now to be a lie)
- admits he snapchatted Zack for about 10 Snapchat selfies and was clear to him Zack was not interested, states conversation stopped before anything even started being "flirty"

- James' little brother (Ian) called him midnight about his tweet about "why everyone acts so tough online" regarding someone in his hometown bullying him, though Jeffree Star ended up dragging him and James in a response tweet. James says reason his little brother moved back is because he had to get his wisdom teeth pulled and was working on new modelling opportunities, also had problems in LA with depression 
- James posts screenshot of Jeffree text, with Jeffree saying Grayson Dolan will soon expose James on how he tried molesting him and touching him in his sleep. Also that Zack will make a video exposing James of trying to make James like him. Finally, text shows Jeffree stating that Sam (the waiter) and another person will join Jeffree in shooting a video about how James tried to trap him in the hotel room. Jeffree says James deserves to be in prison for a very long time.- states that Dolan twins were one of first people to call him and make sure he was okay and that nothing ever happened between him and them sexually- calls Jeffree a hypocrite regarding him not talking to James for months and him being banned from their home, considering he tweeted him several times after Tati's bday saying he misses James.
- exposes Jeffree for texting James' best friend, Drew, saying "how does he sleep being friends with a predator", etc.

- says since everything, Jeffree, Tati, and waiter all individually tried to set up meetings to resolve everything but James declined as he wanted to clear everything up on his own first.
- says he stopped selling his merch because he cannot do business with a person like Jeffree Star but will be returning soon

The mess

Buy The Stars✨


I don't care what happens to James but I definitely believe Tati and Jeffree set this up. If Tati was such a virtuous person she wouldn't be besties with Jeffree.


Guys.. I just finished the video and tbh... I actually believe James. And I say this as someone who can't stand his faggot self.


He's kinda exposing the gorls for filth and with dozens of receipts



Inject My Lips

I'll be happy when these pale folk stop infiltrating my black youtube space.  Tired of seein this mess in my recommended!


I watched some of James video and he has receipts for literally everything they're accusing him of.


Tired of hearing about this gross white things tbh shit