I feel so free already

Started by FlowerBomb, June 18, 2019, 09:35:22 AM

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I have my 3 alt' accounts already prelogged in


I'm thinking about quiting my job and moving out of state. 


Quote from: Laith on June 18, 2019, 04:37:10 PM
the way I'm going to SLEEP tonight :dead:
Knowing I'll never see those pissheads again
I've thought about this for weeks and weeks, Im not stupid I know I was hired because I'm young and black and they need that face to engage with people instead of the usual middle aged white lady that just can't relate and has NO idea of what the culture is like, but at least HEAR my idea's :uhh:
I have a skilset that I worked very hard for, and it's rare to see young black man working in that kind of enviorment USE ME, USE MEEEEE :uhh:
I'm not openly gay either and they were so gung ho on using my sexuality to entice and engage young black gay clients that they couldn't reach without ever thinking about the possible repercussions that I would face.

Now I'm OFF for two weeks and I'm gonna use that time to raise HELL

True AF

I put in my letter of resignation today. Fuck these orgs kang!


Kudos to you, I too have been planning an exit from my current employer. I just want to enjoy the summer, before I leave the country.


omg this white bitch REALLY tried to do me in :dead:
She had said to the line manager that I had been talking about members of staff and managment negatively, (which I really hadn't, because I learnt in my last job you can't trust your colleagues, especially white ones that are super friendly), SHE had been the one sending me emails complaining, bitching basically going OFF on everybody and I'd only send a cute o_O or a oh my word! in response.
So i logged in at home and forwarded all the mess she had sent to me during the last 6 months to my manager and CC'd everyone in it.
