Judge In Botham Jean Case Explains Why She Gave Becky a Bible

Started by Freemala Harris, October 10, 2019, 09:44:24 PM

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i didn't wanna lose amber guyger

fuck you, you dusty dirty coon ass bitch. im sorry it really infuriates me. this bleeding heart for a fucking PROVEN bigoted murderer. NO.

Lane Bryant Jumpsuit

I dont care how they spin it ....they had flashbacks to the yes suh massa boss days

With that being said 

the earth is elevating to 5d consciousness and everyone will be forced to evolve with it 
blacks as the chosen people are going to be the guidepost for these changing energies
so forgiveness, heart, compassion,  humility acceptance, inclusion, advocacy and justice are all going to be issues where we easily will lead the way on 
our issue is we have been searching for answers outside ourselves for centuries but as our  search elevates we are going along with it 
we were never meant to turn the tables on the white man and do what he did we were always meant to stand up and show what a human being is

the justice was already delivered to this person (something we have not been getting in whites killing black cases)
and if amber truly wants to repent for what she has done

theres no real reason to express hatred or bitterness to her because it doesn't help anyone
even if she was found innocent and bragging  ur hatred and bitterness will not solve anything 

As I say the person that died is not the true focus as they have been called home because their work is done
the impact and fall out and lessons learned for others is the true reason


Lewie D Im Caramel Bitches Ion Wanna hear Im Actin


It's literally unethical for her to get up from her bench and hug ANYONE, let alone the fucking murderer :uhh:

she's supposed to head right back to her chambers 


There should be a distance between religion and politics. There should be distance between religion and justice system. Judges should never express their own opinion or personal beliefs. She crossed the line. And they influenced the people on the jury with their religion too, it is manipulation.

What about that boy that killed himself because his gf wanted it. What if their parents said he would have loved it if she was forgiven. That doesn't make any sense. It is important to be objective.



I think the lesson is to leave emotions outside of that courtroom and to stay objective. Nowadays a lot of things are subjective; people don't even trust science anymore and Trump is also a big source of the chaos. A judge needs to follow the rules and not get too personal. She should stay professional...she could say good luck and that is about it.

Forgiveness and compassion are nice but the world is way too cold. It is time to speak up instead of letting things go. People should be held accountable for their actions. And people have the right to be pissed about this. Even if Amber gets ten years it must be hell but hey at least she is alive. She isn't the one that got killed.
