Yummy, can I get a statement?

Started by Sharon., December 07, 2015, 12:07:03 PM

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QuoteHer tour has been planned for awhile. She was originally supposed to be touring Spring/Summer with Kanye. They were supposed to headline Lollapolooza and several huge festivals in Europe as well. Ideally, they had an entire stadium tour planned throughout the world including South America. That's why she did those 2 random dates (including Rock In Rio) there. They were already planned joint with Kanye, but her team was confident she could still sell that market - especially with one being a festival. Her team rushed out "BBHMM" and "AO" in hopes she could have 2 big singles out at the same time to possibly salvage the touring schedule that was worked out. But when both songs got no traction from Pop, they cancelled the tour entirely.

    Kanye even had an entire set already designed and damn near in pre-production. Rihanna was just going to use it for herself. Apparently, they ended up having to pay a pretty heft amount behind this tour cancellation, because certain contracts were breached and a lot of work was already being done. The people at Roc Nation, Jay included, were really pissed behind Rihanna and Ye both running from the tour once "FourFiveSeconds " didn't take off . What ya'll didn't know is Bee stepped up to do Made In America (as a favor for Jay) due to all the bullshit that was going on with them.

    Jay was so mad about the tour going under that he took Rihanna and Kanye both off of the roster and Beyonce stepped up in a big way. This was decided privately about a month after the TIDAL launch once it was confirmed Rihanna wouldn't at least do the shows alone. Somewhere in all of this there has been some bad blood with Jay & Ye as we saw with Ye deleting all that TIDAL shit off his Twitter. There was a blow up.

    Rihanna's got her dates out now, but they promised LiveNation the dates would be onsale in October with an album no later than Black Friday, but once Adele came back her team decided to wait. Because the tour was supposed to come out with a single, and they missed their window, they ended up having to pay another upfront cost. The plan was always for Samsung to be her tour sponsor, but this AntiDiary shit literally just happened within the last month.

    There's a Roc Nation exec/owner that refuses to put any more money onto the project. She's up there with Jay, and she's the one that brokered the Samsung deal to cover the red they faced on Rihanna's recording budget alone. Roc Nation is going to do other things with Samsung, because they couldn't just broker the $25 million on Rihanna alone. Samsung wouldn't take it.

    She also was shooting an HBO style documentary (not kidding) directed by movie producer Peter Berg which may still be happening??? But they spent money covering all of his production costs as well. I heard that she was always so wasted and many days refused to shoot. He he didn't have much to work with and shooting stopped. Rihanna did not want to shoot this AntiDiary campaign but had no choice. Roc Nation reached out to theater company Punchdrunk to start production ASAP on AntiDiary and she started shooting it almost as soon as she heard about it.

    She's been pressuring her team to do something big and game changing and this is what they gave her as a last chance. Rihanna, apparently, is not really digging the campaign. The "Tidal exclusive" rumor I also found out was leaked to HITS as a way to gain subscribers. It was all a plan to get people to join so when the toudates dropped, her fanbase was alerady secured. Apparently, the sub count was low, so they just said fuck it and offered 4 months for 1, put a HUGE ad on the app (ya'll seen it), and started being more aggressive than usual with the E-Mailing.

    So, basically, this mess of an era is the reason for Bee having to step in to clean up their mess as a favor for Jay, Kanye & Jay's falling out, AND this mess of an AntiDiary thing she was pretty much forced into. The money they've paid on breaching contracts alone - fuck studio time - has really caused a lot of division at Roc Nation.



This fabricating fairytale mess :kii:

Cowboy Nine

Wow Bey is just...the kweens

Saving Rih's era and stuff




:dead: @ Bey being painting in a good light

The Hive is just a mess now that she's fell off :kii:

Cowboy Nine