nnn the way he tried to stretch his 1% Native American ancestry

Started by Inject My Lips, December 09, 2015, 04:10:39 PM

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Inject My Lips

starts at 6 min

Side note, Herb you should really post your results on youtube if your still doing youtube cause those videos seem to get alot of views!  I'm gonna do one now thanks to you.  :wub:

This one was a cute, he was excited about his African ancestry.




There is some logic to what's he's doing....sometimes native heritage can come up in other categories besides "native American". natives originally traveled from Asia across the Bering strait to what we now know as Canada/United states.

I was confused by my Asian results being more than my native until I discovered that fact. When the "native American" pops up in your makeup, it's logical to begin to connect the dots.

But he began pulling from EVERYWHERE. Europe and all. :dead: that was a bit much. Many tribes are highly admixed though.... the lumbees are highly admixed with African and European blood.

But Asian (central and east asiA) and Native American categories are categories that matter when it comes to determining how much PURE, undiluted American Indian blood you have in your stream.

People get tripped up on these DNA tests though. lol. It shouldn't be the be all and say all. Paperwork/familial research are the best way to go about learning more about your native heritage. And the only things that any tribe will take seriously. The DNA test can give you a good idea of whether you're wasting your time or not though.
