Duffy tells the story about her being drugged, raped n trafficked... jesus

Started by 🦚, April 05, 2020, 11:09:45 PM

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Quote from: Gilgamesh. on April 06, 2020, 07:48:49 AM
Quote from: 🛎🌶👃🏿...Y'all 👀 it 😂 on April 06, 2020, 07:29:29 AM
Quote from: GMF on April 06, 2020, 07:19:49 AM
This is so sad

Where was her team during this? :uhh:

or did she run out of coin

I think the following things

it is someone she knows.. someone who is influential  and someone she trusted to meet alone.

I also think he took pics n vids to threaten her with

he clearly had access to a private plane.. ain't no way he could drag her passed out ass on a commercial flight.

and TBH after her second album flopped.. she wasn't really active  on the music scene.
I wish she would open a bit more tho and admit she had a substance abuse addiction.. It doesn't excuse what happened to her..
but it does explain how she ended up in such a vulnerable place to be taken severely advantage of.

I may be wrong... but this doesn't give me drugged at the local bar t's

Right. She met him for her dinner on her birthday - it's gotta be someone she was seeing or at least messed with.

And I feel like I remember hearing she did drugs but I could be confusing her with Lilly Allen :-/

This is giving me an amy wineinthehouse tea

Both were exploited by drugs and the people around her

Just different timelines, hope Duffy gets her shit together and doesn't go down the same path as amy :stressed:

Purple Moon

Someone she knows found her on her balcony all yellow and got scared. Why did that fucker not help? Sounds like the abuser was someone very powerful indeed.
Must be a purple moon, feel like one of those nights...