Duffy tells the story about her being drugged, raped n trafficked... jesus

Started by 🦚, April 05, 2020, 11:09:45 PM

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Full story: https://www.duffywords.com/


It was my birthday, I was drugged at a restaurant, I was drugged then for four weeks and travelled to a foreign country. I can't remember getting on the plane and came round in the back of a travelling vehicle. I was put into a hotel room and the perpetrator returned and raped me. I remember the pain and trying to stay conscious in the room after it happened. I was stuck with him for another day, he didn't look at me, I was to walk behind him, I was somewhat conscious and withdrawn. I could have been disposed of by him. I contemplated running away to the neighbouring city or town, as he slept, but had no cash and I was afraid he would call the police on me, for running away, and maybe they would track me down as a missing person. I do not know how I had the strength to endure those days, I did feel the presence of something that helped me stay alive. I flew back with him, I stayed calm and as normal as someone could in a situation like that, and when I got home, I sat, dazed, like a zombie. I knew my life was in immediate danger, he made veiled confessions of wanting to kill me. With what little strength I had, my instinct was to then run, to run and find somewhere to live that he could not find.

The perpetrator drugged me in my own home in the four weeks, I do not know if he raped me there during that time, I only remember coming round in the car in the foreign country and the escape that would happen by me fleeing in the days following that. I do not know why I was not drugged overseas; it leads me to think I was given a class A drug and he could not travel with it.

After it happened, someone I knew came to my house and saw me on my balcony staring into space, wrapped in a blanket. I cannot remember getting home. The person said I was yellow in colour and I was like a dead person. They were obviously frightened but did not want to interfere, they had never seen anything like it.
Thereafter, it didn't feel safe to go to the police. I felt if anything went wrong, I would be dead, and he would have killed me. I could not risk being mishandled or it being all over the news during my danger. I really had to follow what instincts I had. I have told two female police officers, during different threatening incidents in the past decade, it is on record.

And as I grieved what 'I must have done to invite this into my life', I read something that said, "in the end, it's never between them and you, it's always between them and God". That helped me a lot in the absence of justice.

Once someone threatened to 'out' my story and I had to tell a female police officer what information the person held about me, and why the blackmail was so frightening. The second incident was when three men tried to enter my house as intruders, I told the second female officer about the rape then also. The identity of the rapist should be only handled by the police, and that is between me and them.

:uhh: :uhh:  :stressed:
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


So bizarre and sad. How long after her album did this happen and how did her team allow this? :uhh:

Freemala Harris


Reading her story I know a lot of people who are survivors will connect and hopefully feel a release like she did

She's very strong




Quote from: 🦑 on April 06, 2020, 01:59:19 AM
Aww is that why she stopped making music?

She said she was still scared for her life afterwards and ashamed of having to tell ppl what happened.
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Quote from: 🛎🌶👃🏿...Y'all 👀 it 😂 on April 06, 2020, 02:38:24 AM
Quote from: 🦑 on April 06, 2020, 01:59:19 AM
Aww is that why she stopped making music?

She said she was still scared for her life afterwards and ashamed of having to tell ppl what happened.

hey bby what does ur emoji name mean

Purple Moon

Must be a purple moon, feel like one of those nights...


This is so sad

Where was her team during this? :uhh:

or did she run out of coin


Quote from: GMF on April 06, 2020, 07:19:49 AM
This is so sad

Where was her team during this? :uhh:

or did she run out of coin

I think the following things

it is someone she knows.. someone who is influential  and someone she trusted to meet alone.

I also think he took pics n vids to threaten her with

he clearly had access to a private plane.. ain't no way he could drag her passed out ass on a commercial flight.

and TBH after her second album flopped.. she wasn't really active  on the music scene.
I wish she would open a bit more tho and admit she had a substance abuse addiction.. It doesn't excuse what happened to her..
but it does explain how she ended up in such a vulnerable place to be taken severely advantage of.

I may be wrong... but this doesn't give me drugged at the local bar t's
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


This is so surreal. I hope when things eventually go back to normal she does an in-depth interview.


Quote from: 🛎🌶👃🏿...Y'all 👀 it 😂 on April 06, 2020, 07:29:29 AM
Quote from: GMF on April 06, 2020, 07:19:49 AM
This is so sad

Where was her team during this? :uhh:

or did she run out of coin

I think the following things

it is someone she knows.. someone who is influential  and someone she trusted to meet alone.

I also think he took pics n vids to threaten her with

he clearly had access to a private plane.. ain't no way he could drag her passed out ass on a commercial flight.

and TBH after her second album flopped.. she wasn't really active  on the music scene.
I wish she would open a bit more tho and admit she had a substance abuse addiction.. It doesn't excuse what happened to her..
but it does explain how she ended up in such a vulnerable place to be taken severely advantage of.

I may be wrong... but this doesn't give me drugged at the local bar t's

Right. She met him for her dinner on her birthday - it's gotta be someone she was seeing or at least messed with.

And I feel like I remember hearing she did drugs but I could be confusing her with Lilly Allen :-/