Jayda, we need to discuss our first born

Started by ton, May 06, 2020, 04:21:43 PM

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May 06, 2020, 04:21:43 PM Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 04:22:00 PM by ton
Today I found out a surrogate mess isn't that pricey

But getting an egg? Thats a fcking MISSION

Its super expensive, they often take a bunch of them and they either fail, or we end up with 6 kids at once

I mean, I wasn't tryna do all that or spend that much money

So umm, are we doing that, or can we just ask someone if we can have their egg?

Im not above straight out ASKING

Dr Naomi Campbell

Wait are we not doing the kaeli kidnap plan
I bought the turkey blaster, ammonia, horse tranqs and handcuffs

Dr Naomi Campbell

And the eye clamps so she can WATCH us mess


what if she sticks a hanger up there?

unless this is a "The Hills Have Eyes" mess

Dr Naomi Campbell

Wait this isn't a hills have eyes mess

Cuz I'm outside her job right now waiting for her


Dr Naomi Campbell


*8th date of the day



I was actually looking up surrogate mess

its not that expensive

but we need to start selling body parts of homeless whites on the black market

Dr Naomi Campbell

I'm sure we can find someone CUTE but desperate enough

But we can go the homeless body part route
Let's start with mikey