Amiyah Scott gets edited out of RHOA

Started by Zankou., December 30, 2015, 01:42:54 PM

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Houston, we have a problem. Something has gone terribly wrong. Back in August, it was reported that Trans woman and Instagram sensation Amiyah Scott would be joining The Real Housewives Of Atlanta in some capacity. Most likely as a ?friend of the show.? [Transgender Woman Amiyah Scott And Kim Fields Both Caught Filming For The Real Housewives of Atlanta ] The news broke when Amiyah was first spotted filming at Kenya Moore?s hair care products launch party.

Early this season, when Kenya?s launch party aired and we didn?t see any traces of Amiyah, it struck me as odd because I knew for a fact that she was there. Since it was only the beginning of the season, I figured that perhaps production found a better way to introduce her to the world, and were saving her grand debut for a later time. If there wasn?t a better time than Demetria and Kandi?s video paw_3227-xlrelease party that aired last night, the time would never come. I actually attended the video release party for ?Unnecessary Trouble?. The night is particularly memorable for me, because it was the first time I had gone out since coming out of my 2 month depression. The night was particularly magical because I witnessed Amiyah Scott first hand sitting on the sofa with the ladies of RHOA fully mic?d, and filming the entire length of the party. The way she was all entangled with the other ladies, I just knew that the deal had been sealed with her joining the show. Well, lo and behold, I was wrong. After last night?s episode of RHOA aired, and Amiyah was basically edited out of the scenes as much as the producers could without interrupting the story, I knew that something had gone awry. Coupled with the fact that I had heard from various sources around Atlanta that Amiyah had filmed several scenes with Kandi, this was somewhat disappointing to me.

So what happened?
To be honest with you, I don?t know what happen. In show business terms, ?things just didn?t work out.? Amiyah took to her Instagram and had this to say:

kingamiyahscottWelp 🤗 seeing as that was the 1st (and probably last) glimpse of me on #RHOA tonight and I haven?t said anything about it (though the hype was craaazzzzzyyy) lmao. Let me say, I enjoyed ALL the ladies & I had a great time filming multiple scenes with them! Unfortunately due to contractual complications + the magic of editing, you won?t be seeing as much of me as expected. *whispers* (I don?t work for free. Lol. 😊) But everything happens for a reason & it was still an awesome experience! I?m in my 20?s and when this opportunity was BROUGHT to me, It was no guarantees & I was cool with that, but I wasn?t going to exploit myself or act out of character for it? I honestly saw a chance to help change the perspective of MY community, but I wanted to maintain my dignity. Housewife and Transgender aren?t words that are usually associated? Funny, because anyone who knows me knows that being a housewife is a dream of mine, not on reality tv, but in real life. 👰🏽 But contrary to popular belief, I personally know transgender housewives, models, doctors, lawyers and many other successful unique individuals, along with so many others who are fighting to break the negative stigma associated with the trans community. Not to mention, a lot of our opportunities are limited due to discrimination and that?s why most are forced into compromising occupations. But my point in this is to say, me filming with the #RealHousewivesOfAtlanta was not for attention, but to assist in breaking a stereotype. Trans women are not only sex objects or prostitutes. We are strong, educated & human just like everyone else. AND WE ARE HERE AND WE DEMAND RESPECT. And whatever I have to do to assist in that I will and won?t regret it. Now let me call my bf and schedule a hair appointment. 😂🙃😉

Now Amiyah and I have a very friendly rapport with one another. I?m probably going to catch a little bit of flack for what I?m about to say, but y?all know that I have to keep it all the way real. I am totally on-board with about 75% of Amiyah?s well written statement. The part that I am not on-board with is the implication that contract negotiations broke down over money. Amiyah says:

? *whispers* (I don?t work for free. Lol. 😊)?

Chile cheese, no tea no shade, but you ain?t working now, PERIOD. And if you are, it isn?t on a platform nearly this big as RHOA. As far as reality television is concerned, it gets no larger than RHOA. With that, if demands for money is why things didn?t work out with Amiyah, then I honestly Amiyah-Scott-Fils-Kandi-Koated-Nights-With-Kandi-Burruss-750x522-1440607369wish she would have called me, or consulted with some of the more seasoned girls. I would have told her how a certain Housewife of Atlanta could not come to an agreement with BRAVO her very first season and ended of taking a ZERO salary, but made 600k in appearances withing that same year. I would have also shared with her that many of the recurring characters that you see on that show have not ever received a single dime, or pennies on the dollar, but it set them up for other opportunities that paid them well. In show business, you don?t always get paid on the front end, sometime you have to put in a little sweat equity in order to get paid on the back-end. That?s a lesson I have learned from Miss Mona Scott-Young oh so well? #TRUST

Amiyah?s a smart girl. With that, I?m sure that she didn?t look this gift horse in the mouth and let it slip through her hands. I?m more inclined to believe that some higher power said NO when the middle man prematurely said YES. In an effort to provide some sort of explanation, this is the story Amiyah has chosen to go with. With all do respect, by no means am I calling her a liar, but I am saying there is some missing pieces to this puzzle, and some misleading information being disseminated.

Nonetheless, I was not the only person who was disappointed to see that Amiyah was edited out of the show. Kandi Burruss took to Amiyah?s Instagram comments section to express her disappointment and support:

Here?s the silver lining in all of this. The fact that Amiyah was even tapped to film in the first place says a hell of a lot about her potential in television. Additionally, the same people who have provided her with the opportunity to film and had the power to get her as far as they did, have not forgotten about her. Trust and believe, Miss Scott will have her moment. It is rumored that Amiyah has been tapped by Lee Daniels for a role in an upcoming tv show he?s producing in Atlanta. We shall see?



Buy The Stars✨

ohh yeah i rememebr yall were HYPE about her joining KI but the show obviously didnt need ha   


Quote from: FINE. on December 30, 2015, 01:48:53 PM
That would have been a disaster

:plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

I think he would've added an edgy element to the show

Buy The Stars✨

DEATh they edited claudia out too ?? ANDY said NO MAAM



Quote from: DFW>>>> on December 30, 2015, 01:49:53 PM
DEATh they edited claudia out too ?? ANDY said NO MAAM

:plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

She's been at EVERY event, I think she was supposed to be on the show but as a recurring character but that fell through as well



I read that she quit because they were trying to make her act messy and read everybody, but she didn't wanna be trans villain. She wanted to be a role model.



Code Red: itsMista