20 year old Black man killed by cops in Minnesota, riots/looting break out

Started by crunk aint dead, April 12, 2021, 07:34:07 AM

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Quote from: ATL Shawty on April 13, 2021, 08:23:35 AM
Quote from: TinaSnow on April 13, 2021, 08:22:02 AM
Quote from: ATL Shawty on April 12, 2021, 09:40:27 AM
Here%u2019s what I said:

The police absolutely %u201Ccherry pick%u201D who they wanna stop based on appearance to try and fill their quotas for the day on bullshit mess.

and I have actual proof that at least some of them do it because I%u2019ve been told that to my face by a cop who stopped me for jaywalking when I was like 17 or 18.

He stopped me for a ticket because he thought I looked innocent . He literally said %u201Cyou didn%u2019t look like a typhoon of trouble%u201D after having a gotcha gotcha moment when he ran my name thru the system and realized that I had a %u201Cwarrant%u201D to be brought in because I decided to be cute and disappear for a week without telling anyone where I was the year before .

I had been back home but the warrant mess was still active. My grandmother was away down south for vacation and I didn%u2019t have her sisters number on me to call and for her to confirm directly to the cop that everything was OK. So he HAD to take me in and he was PISSED .

He literally told me . I stopped you cuz you didn%u2019t look like trouble and I just was tryna fill my quota .

But what if I was the type to say %u201Cfuck the Poe Poe! Getcho hands off me! I ain%u2019t goin nowhere!%u201D ? I coulda been shot dead that day simply cuz the cop literally chose to pick on me for his quota because of the way I looked .

I%u2019m inclined to believe this cop stopped Daunte for some bullshit like he told his mother he was . Daunte got SCARED and ran . 20 years old isn%u2019t an age where you%u2019re really able to think very far . We have to remember that we are examining this as full grown adults . He was literally just coming out of his teens . His mindset is not gonna he the same. He shouldn%u2019t be dead .
This is so unfortunate but where were you for that week?
f nfnffnnffnfnmgmvmgmgvmmgvmvmmgmggmh

Chile... let%u2019s just say I was a gor who lived life :woohoo:

gone gir'!


crunk aint dead

There's now a conversation unraveling about him being mixed , not Black. And the media using the label of "black" for more drama , clicks and views .

I see the point but I don't think the whole "mixed" thing really comes into play when discussing anything involving police , unless someone is white passing like Meghan Markle. I think we all know if you are identifiably black to them, you're a n***r. They're marking "black" on their forms.

They're not gonna ask you "what r u mixed with? :young: "

Daunte was identifiably black . If his appearance didn't show it , his name was definitely an identifier .



crunk aint dead

Quote from: Cartierline on April 13, 2021, 08:27:26 AM
Quote from: ATL Shawty on April 13, 2021, 08:23:35 AM
Quote from: TinaSnow on April 13, 2021, 08:22:02 AM
Quote from: ATL Shawty on April 12, 2021, 09:40:27 AM
Here%u2019s what I said:

The police absolutely %u201Ccherry pick%u201D who they wanna stop based on appearance to try and fill their quotas for the day on bullshit mess.

and I have actual proof that at least some of them do it because I%u2019ve been told that to my face by a cop who stopped me for jaywalking when I was like 17 or 18.

He stopped me for a ticket because he thought I looked innocent . He literally said %u201Cyou didn%u2019t look like a typhoon of trouble%u201D after having a gotcha gotcha moment when he ran my name thru the system and realized that I had a %u201Cwarrant%u201D to be brought in because I decided to be cute and disappear for a week without telling anyone where I was the year before .

I had been back home but the warrant mess was still active. My grandmother was away down south for vacation and I didn%u2019t have her sisters number on me to call and for her to confirm directly to the cop that everything was OK. So he HAD to take me in and he was PISSED .

He literally told me . I stopped you cuz you didn%u2019t look like trouble and I just was tryna fill my quota .

But what if I was the type to say %u201Cfuck the Poe Poe! Getcho hands off me! I ain%u2019t goin nowhere!%u201D ? I coulda been shot dead that day simply cuz the cop literally chose to pick on me for his quota because of the way I looked .

I%u2019m inclined to believe this cop stopped Daunte for some bullshit like he told his mother he was . Daunte got SCARED and ran . 20 years old isn%u2019t an age where you%u2019re really able to think very far . We have to remember that we are examining this as full grown adults . He was literally just coming out of his teens . His mindset is not gonna he the same. He shouldn%u2019t be dead .
This is so unfortunate but where were you for that week?
f nfnffnnffnfnmgmvmgmgvmmgvmvmmgmggmh

Chile... let%u2019s just say I was a gor who lived life :woohoo:

gone gir'!

gggvvvvvv bbbbbbbnbnnnn


Quote from: ATL Shawty on April 13, 2021, 08:30:05 AM

Daunte was identifiably black . If his appearance didn't show it , his name was definitely an identifier .


Dr Naomi Campbell

To police he's black :dead:
you think they spend time sorting out who's AA, African, Caribean, afro latino, mixed ect ect?
They see that brown skin and pounce.

Dr Naomi Campbell

and not even Black in terms of ethnicity, they group us under one label whether it actually applies or not

crunk aint dead

Quote from: Jayda X on April 13, 2021, 08:36:34 AM
To police he's black :dead:
you think they spend time sorting out who's AA, African, Caribean, afro latino, mixed ect ect?
They see that brown skin and pounce.

I think this is where people need to really draw the line between internet playground mess and what happens in real life .

It's dangerous not to.

Bentley. HARRIS!

oh hell no ... George was one thing

but when you get to shooting up Uncle Bent's cute lil boys we got an issue

I'm going to march 🤬🤬🤬🤬
