The Most Talked About Return of Marg

Started by Opposites Attract., March 12, 2016, 06:25:28 PM

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Opposites Attract.

It's unconditional, these days you know....


Quote from: Drais. on March 15, 2016, 04:49:13 AM
Quote from: Hello! on March 15, 2016, 04:20:49 AM
Quote from: Drais. on March 15, 2016, 04:18:19 AM
Says the gur who cries to the mods to delete ha account
Says the gur who drew up a blueprint with other forums trying to expose Tal
Says the gur who crawled back trying to explain her decision

Faggot RE FCKN PENT   

girl shut your ugly ass up. Keep making continued post about me having HIV and being a fake liar so those following girls can laugh and kii

Sissy you wish this mug of mine gave a hint of ugly, you rat faced mongrel.

You've been bragging about being fucked raw and dug out to those brittle old bones of yours for years.

-Married fags
-Fags off dating apps
-Amateur pornstar wanna be fags

You've even hurled that hazardous leaking, mangled ass asshole towards several members of the forum all around PM. It's only logical that the girls come to the conclusion you're infected with something, sis. That's probably why you're covered in soot and tattoos. Is it to hide all of the lesions and peeling skin?


And sis you've been exposed as a liar as a fraud.

You lied about your age
You lied about your race
You lied about your coin

Your whole online persona consists of lies, foolishness, tomfoolery and fucking FAIRYTALES faggot. You created this whole facade of being some edgy, coined up, multiracial bad bitch faggot when in reality you're just some basic ass nigger trying to make ends meet by doing low budget porn. Nigger!

Nigger nose
Nigger mouth
Nigger NAPS

And with a little ass fucking nigger dick that the girls paid dust in the boochie thread. Not you trying to give a bit of thirsttrap and the girls sashaying you out the thread with a :udontlookok: mess owt. You never returned to the thread. Sis I'm embarrassed for you. You thought you could duck and dodge after the new forum came about with all these name changes, but sis the girls recognize that scent of desperation and stupidity leaking out of your posts. Time to call it quits hun 

Lash of the century..
The love/ hate I have for this place.. I feel so honored to be apart :plzstop:




2016 was ICONIC



Quote from: YAH. on May 20, 2018, 04:32:08 PM
Quote from: #XXXXXX on March 13, 2016, 03:22:53 PM
Quote from: TheNextLew on March 13, 2016, 02:22:45 PM
Quote from: Bulldagger on March 12, 2016, 10:26:24 PM
I don't take this board serious. It's just like ATRL; It's not a place you go for in depth conversation. The people are kind of shallow and mindless. I think if you let someone get to you on a message board, you have a bigger problem. In that case, you should log off and book a therapist and get some real friends. These people ain't fucking real. All they are is an avatar; a brandy/beyonce default. They're completely avoidable.

I don't know you but I found it funny how old boy came for you but he wasn't doing half of that barking for me and resorted to putting me on ignore because he couldn't handle me.  LOL I clown and joke but that's that shit I do not like. I don't like bullies who try to act like they're so innocent but they're the main main shit starters.

That first paragraph describes mel hes been here for years but hes an empty shell kinda

Most ppul here have been down for a while and weve all kinda grown together a bit with the forum being our main communiqu? is all
Its no different from what ppul are saying/thinking outside the board
The world is like bsource tbh

your fridge is an empty shell, you ugly fat nasty sloppy fuck

stop acting like you know me
we've NEVER conversed on a personal level and I don't care to
you are not the kinda person I'd fuck with on or off line....I just don't dig you

sloppy craigslist fucker.


Ma Lo


Quote from: tigernathan on March 15, 2016, 03:47:48 AM
Quote from: mauza on March 12, 2016, 08:10:51 PM
Quote from: Hello! on March 12, 2016, 06:25:28 PM
So I was told Drais ran me off the board. That couldn't be further from the truth. Prior to getting into it with that person, I asked Ralf a few days ago to delete my account. He told me to just log off and come back. I sent a message to Squid requesting the same, explaining my reasoning; which they both can back that up; It just so happens that he was active after the situation.

Nobody could ever run me off anywhere. Sometimes people just need a fucking break. This board is toxic and so negative all the time. Like constantly reading negative shit and posting negative shit takes it toll. I no longer wanted to be apart or contribute to the negativity. I mean linking up with other boards to expose Talisa was late and stupid. I needed to move on from the negativity of this board and focus on bringing positive energy in all facets of my life.

I'm moving in a direction in my life and about to start doing big things publicly where I don't want the things I've said or done on here or anywhere online to be brought back up and used against me.

Sidenote: It's very interesting how some of y'all waited until I was gone to speak your minds. I mean why not express yourself while I was present? Cowards.

Anyway, I just wanted to clear up any confusion but then again I didn't even need to do this. I wish you all the best.

Now this account can be deleted too.




Quote from: tigernathan on March 15, 2016, 05:13:59 AM
Quote from: Hello! on March 15, 2016, 05:02:28 AM
Quote from: Drais. on March 15, 2016, 05:01:15 AM
She's about to spiral down and delete her account again, watch. This is the Terrance thread repeating itself. 



We'll see hun you ugly acne faced faggot

You look... dumb :dead: why are you trying to lash back now? You already let Drais get the best of you the minute your word count dropped to 10 words after he told you about yourself, the minute you ran to the mods to delete your account, it was kinda of curtains.... then you came back to address him, admitted to feeling stupid for wanting to mess and how this place is toxic :uhh: and how you want to be positive. You asked again, to be deleted. You're fragile. Just log off and work on yourself. :uhh: and I'm being genuine here. This place isn't for everyone. Especially for those who still think about this mess AFTER they log off and you're clearly one of those types :uhh: You're really giving a Dee mess owt right now but at least he knew he had to leave for good. Just... go :uhh: You're not "dragging" rn. You look dumb. You look weak.


This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


Opposites Attract.

It's unconditional, these days you know....