Update: Kanye Tweets About His Love Of Trump: "He Is My Brother"; Trump Responds

Started by Freemala Harris, April 25, 2018, 03:06:22 PM

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we gotta clear up this party thing Trump started with fax :dead:

In the early 1800s, America had the "First Party System" of the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party. By the election of James Monroe, the Federalists had died out. There was one party rule by the Democratic-Republicans. In the United States presidential election, 1824, four different men ran as Democratic-Republicans. John Quincy Adams was elected. After the election, Andrew Jackson formed a new party called the Democrats. Jackson's party was strongest in the South and West, and in some cities (at this time, only a few Americans lived in cities). Soon after Jackson's election, another party formed around supporters of Adams and Henry Clay. It was first called the National Republican Party, and later the Whig Party. The Whigs were strong in the North, and among the middle class and businessmen. The clash between Democrats and Whigs was called the "Second Party System".

After the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the "Second Party System" ended and the following things happened:

The Whig Party broke up
Whigs and Democrats who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, as well as Free-Soilers, formed a new party called the Republicans. The Republicans main goal was stopping slavery, but also liked many of the things the Whigs did.
The rest of the Whigs formed a party called the American Party or Know-Nothings for the 1856 election. In the 1860 election, Know-Nothings and Southern Democrats who supported the Union formed the Constitutional Union Party. During and after the Civil War, the Know-Nothings and Unionists became part of the Republican Party

In 1860, what was left of the Democratic Party broke into Northern and Southern wings

By 1868, the Democratic Party came back together and there was the "Third Party System" of Democrats and Republicans.
The Whig party previous members joined the new nationalist party

America went from being mostly Republican in the 1920s to mostly Democratic in the 1930s. This was due to America becoming much more urban, and the Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt formed a coalition that would mostly last until 1964 called the "New Deal coalition". How things changed:

Urban areas became very Democratic. They voted very heavily for people like Al Smith and Roosevelt. They had been growing rapidly, due in part to immigrants who were part of democratic political machines.
Blacks had been moving from the South into large Northern cities, in large part due to racial segregation. Before the 1930s, they had either not voted or voted Republican. Under Roosevelt, they mostly voted Democratic
Roosevelt also made gains in every part of the country, due to his mass appeal and the desire to end the depression
For the first time in its history, the Democrats were a statist party instead of a libertarian one
In the 1960s and 70s, the New Deal coalition fell apart. This was due to the Civil Rights Movement, Roe v. Wade, Vietnam War and the suburbanization of America. What changed:

After the 1964 Civil Rights Act, many white, conservative Southern Democrats became Republicans. The South had been mostly Democratic before 1964; it was mostly Republican after.
Many "values voters" became Republicans. These were people like Jerry Falwell who were opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and the excesses of the 1960s and 70s
Republicans also made some gains among blue-collar Catholics, who are conservative on social issues. They were also called neocons.
Democrats were able to make gains among Progressive Republicans, as well as Latino voters.

it became not only about whether conservative or liberal was the ideal
Quote"liberal" -- in favor of more federal action in general, less power to states, active government that attempts to solve problems or encourage outcomes.

"conservative" -- less enthusiastic about federal action in general, wants more power given to states, more passive federal government that maintains a minimal footprint in social and economic affairs.

it became about which party would lie in bed with big corporations, which is currently Republicans, they want less federal action because it's a bigger $$$$$ payowt

right now the majority of minority's best interest lie with the more liberal party, Democratic
especially when it comes to ethical, judicial, and racial issues IMO

it's not about a NAME of a party
that's why Chance is a fckn dummy and fraud :dead:





QuoteThe republicans have no more liberals; they were all purged in 2006 and 2008.

and I want Chance gunned the fck down
Chicago don't fail me now!



Quote from: Mu on April 25, 2018, 07:06:58 PM
I'm sorry Kanye West doesn't have to be a political genius. Do people hold you accountable for anything else besides your job. He is an entertainer that's it!

Janelle Monae is a coward. I hate when people hold others to a higher standard than themselves . But carry on.



Ma Lo

Quote from: BigDawg on April 25, 2018, 07:12:34 PM
Kudos to Janelle for having the balls to speak up and not be silenced by that pc bullshit. She has a right to her beliefs just as much as Kanye does and if he doesn?t want people to question his shit, he shouldnt put tha bullshit out there for the world to see.

Kanye doesn't have COMMON sense


Quote from: The Serpent & The Rainbow on April 25, 2018, 07:19:05 PM
Quote from: BigDawg on April 25, 2018, 07:12:34 PM
Kudos to Janelle for having the balls to speak up and not be silenced by that pc bullshit. She has a right to her beliefs just as much as Kanye does and if he doesn?t want people to question his shit, he shouldnt put tha bullshit out there for the world to see.

Kanye doesn't have COMMON sense

Eternal Bell


Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!


Eternal Bell

'fro get in hea!

Opposites Attract.

It's unconditional, these days you know....