Bey and Megan organically hit #1 on the Hot 100, Nicki removed from hot 100

Started by GLOCK, April 29, 2020, 02:20:50 PM

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Imaging your family already being so broke and on a budget that y'all can't even dine out at a restaurant without sharing plates     

Quote from: Onika on October 21, 2017, 05:53:16 PM
So my family & I went out to this shawarma place a couple days ago. There's 6 of us but we usually just buy 4 plates because the plates are huge and most of us won't finish one plate on our own and to save money.

I remember these 2 white women that were lining up to order and they saw my family & I and how there was only 4 plates for 6 people and they laughed. I kept thinking they thought we were broke or something and it fucked up my mood for the rest of the night.

My question is do you think it's weird if families to share a plate at a restaurant?

And now you're sitting at the public library spending what's left of your parent's stimulus check and tax refund to mass buy a song that will only stay at #1 for a week.

For a song your fave is not even the lead artist on
For a song from somebody your fellow stans tried to cancel a few weeks ago
For a song that your faves credit will be removed from

And for all the stans of your faves peers to collectively sit and cackle at you needing to hop on a newbie's song for a #1 record when their faves have been collecting multiple number one singles for decades on their own. KI   




Lucid Salvatore

Quote from: LOONA. on May 11, 2020, 04:54:15 PM
Quote from: Salvatore on May 11, 2020, 03:46:50 PM
Quote from: LOONA. on May 11, 2020, 03:25:35 PM
Quote from: Salvatore on May 11, 2020, 03:22:15 PM
Quote from: chokeme on May 11, 2020, 03:17:07 PM
Quote from: LOONA. on May 11, 2020, 03:13:54 PM

Now this is what you call being legendary

Britney and Justin are the only ones I can think of that could follow, could be wrong but they are the only ones that came to mind

Madonna and Mariah already been did this.
This Beyoncé stat ain't special or record breaking lmao

Next caller

Special is Nicki's credit being taken away in a few weeks due to the remix already free falling on iTunes, Spotify and Apple while "Savage" remains perched in the Top 10.

Should've directed all this energy into getting "Yikes" into the Top 20. Shutup monkey

You dumb ass gorilla ass faggot

Even if they remove Nicki's credit from "Say So" in the following weeks, Nicki will still be credited for taking the song to #1.

In 2017-2018, Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" spent 6 weeks at #1 and they removed Beyoncé's credit during its last week at #1. She was credited during the first 5 weeks, even though her duet version of "Perfect" outsold the original version only during the first week. However, if you go to her artist page on Billboard, she's still credited as having a #1 with Perfect.

Drais, I really wish you would shut the fuck up sometimes when it comes to the charts, considering you're not a chart gor at all and you don't know how this shit works. It's been so sad seeing you in the Say So and Savage threads on ATRL this past week talking about how Doja & Nicki "cheated" and how Savage will go #1 once Billboard and Nielsen remove the "fraudulent" sales from Say So.

You're really too old for this shit. Just stop.

Filthy backwoods canadian identity stealing "black" ok" slave fag piece of SHIT. Her credit is being removed, point blank PERIOD. The only thing that rocketed this to #1 was Doja and her team selling bundles and mass emailing groups of people to redeem this shitty remix. The garbs sold their parent's food stamps and spent those stimulus checks to gift and buy 30 versions of the song on iTunes for a quick boost only to have ONE week at number 1.

She's tumbling down iTunes
She's tumbling down Spotify
She's tumbling down Apple Music

The streams and radio updates are worse than the original, but Nicki! Zip those fat, 3 toned crusty nigger lips of yours. She contributed nothing

"Perfect Duet" spent 5 weeks at #1 and there weren't bundles or any sort of other trickery involved. Completely different situation. Beyoncé has 5 #1s as a lead artist and over 10 throughout her entire career. Nicki doesn't. "Perfect Duet" is irrelevant to me. You can't compare Beyoncé's situation to Nicki's because if you could we wouldn't be sitting here wondering why it took Nicki over a decade and 109 chart entries to get a number one single...on somebody else's song. Stupid FAGGOT.


Well since you know charts so well and I don't, why don't you clue me in on why 85% of Nicki's chart success is due to features and appearances?

-Her hot 100 entries
-Her RIAA certifications
-Her single sales


The majority of anything that's ever been worth mentioning chartwise concerning Nicki Minaj. All due to piggybacking off of another bitch. Just like at this very moment. Let's not even get into her mediocre album sales.

And this is the problem with Barbs. Your energy is always misplaced and directed towards the wrong things. While you're clicking those TJ Maxx heels across the internet watching and stalking me from afar on ATRL you should be focusing on Nicki and getting her some notable achievements as a SOLO artist. I'm sure you're sitting in that walmart beanbag on that rent a center laptop breathing heavily out of those oversized chapped tar lips staring at your screen watching and thinking about ME. Faggot, get every bit of your life.

You're a grown ass man catfishing and stealing pictures, begging people to approve your membership, constantly getting banned and crawling back to places where people don't use, but I'm the one that's too old for mess? Delusional queer wake up.


Gorl ain't nobody reading all of that sddffds

Bentley. HARRIS!

Lucid Salvatore

Quote from: LOONA. on May 11, 2020, 05:07:31 PM
Imaging your family already being so broke and on a budget that y'all can't even dine out at a restaurant without sharing plates     

Quote from: Onika on October 21, 2017, 05:53:16 PM
So my family & I went out to this shawarma place a couple days ago. There's 6 of us but we usually just buy 4 plates because the plates are huge and most of us won't finish one plate on our own and to save money.

I remember these 2 white women that were lining up to order and they saw my family & I and how there was only 4 plates for 6 people and they laughed. I kept thinking they thought we were broke or something and it fucked up my mood for the rest of the night.

My question is do you think it's weird if families to share a plate at a restaurant?

And now you're sitting at the public library spending what's left of your parent's stimulus check and tax refund to mass buy a song that will only stay at #1 for a week.

For a song your fave is not even the lead artist on
For a song from somebody your fellow stans tried to cancel a few weeks ago
For a song that your faves credit will be removed from

And for all the stans of your faves peers to collectively sit and cackle at you needing to hop on a newbie's song for a #1 record when their faves have been collecting multiple number one singles for decades on their own. KI   


I'm crying
You do know this ain't me right?



Quote from: Salvatore on May 11, 2020, 05:18:58 PM
Gorl ain't nobody reading all of that sddffds

Takes more time to stalk my posts from another website and screencap all of them to post on here, but I guess we're picking and choosing when to be infatuated with me, huh APE? 

Enjoy your one week at number one but when reality sets back in just know

109 chart entries and still no number one singles OF HER OWN

Less hits than her peers
Less single sales than her peers
Less album sales than her peers

Never been the Top Hot 100 artist of any year
Never had a Top Billboard 200 album of any year

No grammys or high honor awards outside of BET rapper of the year
No multiplatinum SELLING albums
No highly critically acclaimed albums

Not a single $100 mil or even $50 mil grossing tour

Only one memorable performance her entire career and it got her blacklisted from an award show

"Paved" the way for female rappers but bested by Cardi in less than two years and needed Doja and Megan's help for Hot 100 placements.

Never been able to keep up with Rih or Bey

And so on!